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A Video Series of Interviews with National Authors On Tour

Produced by Hennepin County Library - 1989-1995


This program series was produced in conjunction with the Northern Lights Minnesota Author series and was originally shown regularly on Metro Cable Network (Twin Cities Regional Cable Channel 6).  The series was coordinated by Eileen Cavanagh, recorded at the Ridgedale Library TV Studio by A/V staff, and edited by Dave Carlson. 

Up until recently, these video recordings have not been available for online viewing but an effort is now  underway to digitize a number of episodes... check out the A DISCUSSION WITH YouTube Channel:




#1 - CHARLOTTE MacLEOD - "Queen of the Screwball Mystery"

Eileen Cavanagh interviews the popular mystery writer. (30:00)

#2 - DR. PETER M. MILLER - "The Hilton Head Diets"
Eileen Cavanagh talks with Dr. Miller, founder of the Hilton Head Health Institute, about his books on diets and nutrition. (29:50)

#3 - ROBERTA MEYER - "Interrelationships and Intimacy"
Eileen Cavanagh talks with author and professional counselor Roberta Meyer about her book Listen to the Heart. (30:00)

#4 - BRUCE BROWN - "Two Thousand Years of Farm Crisis"
Eileen Cavanagh talks with author Bruce Brown about his book on the history of the farm crisis and its tragic consequences for one Iowa farm family. (29:55)

#5 - SUSAN LOWELL - "Author of Ganado Red"
Barbara Davis interviews Susan Lowell, author of short stories about the art and culture of the Southwest United States. (28:40)

#6 - THOMAS KENEALLY - "Thoughts on War and Famine"
Eileen Cavanagh interviews the Australian author of books on Ethiopia and the U.S. Civil War. (29:30)

#7 - JOAN BORYSENKO - "Healing the Heart and the Soul"
Eileen Cavanagh talks with the Boston psychologist and author of Guilt Is the Teacher, Love Is the Lesson. (28:45)

#8 - GRACE PALEY - "Little Disturbances and Enormous Changes"
Martha Roth, editor of the feminist review "Hurricane Alice," interviews poet and short story writer Grace Paley. (29:00)

#9 - MARTIN A. LEE - "Detecting Bias in the News Media"
Lucia Wilkes talks to the co-author of Unreliable Sources, who discusses his work as co-founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (F.A.I.R.). (28:40)

#10 - DR. STAN J. KATZ -"How to Break the Recovery Habit"
Eileen Cavanagh talks to Dr. Katz about the multitude of treatment and self-help programs available and his alternative recovery program. (29:20)

#11 - MARCIA MULLER - "Author of the Sharon McCone Mysteries"
Eileen Cavanagh talks to the author of Where Echoes Live, the twelfth in the mystery series. (27:30)




#12 - AARON ELKINS - "The Skeleton Detective"
Author of Make No Bones and other Gideon Oliver mysteries discusses the genre with Eileen Cavanagh. (28:50)

#13 - HOWARD NORMAN - "Fiction and Film: A Writer's Life"
National Book Award Finalist for Northern Lights, and children's author and screenwriter talks about his varied activities with Diana Seyb. (28:50)

#14 - VICTORIA MORAN - "When Willpower Doesn't Work, Give Love A Try"
Author of The Love Powered Diet talks with Eileen Cavanagh about ways to develop inner change and healthy eating habits while dieting. (28:50)

#15 - ROBERT KOWALSKI - "Regaining and Maintaining A Healthy, Happy Heart"
The author of 8 Steps To a Healthy Heartand \he8-Week Cholesterol Cure talks to David Cramer about heart disease prevention and recovery from heart attack. (29:20)

#16 - MARY HIRSCHFELD - "Compassionate Healing From Your Parents' Divorce"
The therapist and divorce lawyer and author of The Adult Children of Divorce Workbook is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:15)

#17 - JACK TRIMPEY - "Rational Recovery from Alcoholism"
The Executive Director of Rational Recovery Self-Help Network and author of The Small Book talks to Michael Anderegg about an alternative recovery program. (28:40)

#18 - MARK McPHERSON - "Conan Doyle Pays A Visit"
The Actor/Playwright, who portrays Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in a one-person theatrical performance, is interviewed by Bruce Southworth, Sherlockian and President of the Norwegian Explorers. (28:30)

#19 - SANDY PUCKETT - "The Art of Pressed Flowers"
The author of Fragile Beauty. The Victorian Art of Pressed Flowers, a pictorial guide to the fascinating art of the design and preservation of garden flowers, talks to Eileen Cavanagh. (29:10)

#20 - MICHAEL JAMES - "A Nostalgic Culinary Tour of America's Hometowns"
The author of Slow Food, a collection of recipes and stories from around the country, is interviewed by public relations consultant Pat Lindquist. (27:00)

#21 - STEVEN HARTOV - "Coming in From the Cold"
The author of The Heat of Ramadan, a novel of suspense, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:10)

#22 - IRA FLATOW - "Fascinating Stories Behind the Great Inventions"
The Public Broadcasting System host and author of They All LaughedIs interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:10)

#23 - CAROL WESTON - 'The Underground 'Dear Abby' for Teens"
Virginia Morris talks to the author of Girl Talk: All the Stuff Your Sister Never Told You, about adolescence in the 90s, and From Here To Maternity: Confessions of a First-Time Mother. (29:30)

#24 - MARTHA M. BULLEN - "From Full-Time Professional to Full-Time Parent" The co-author of STAYING HOME is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:10)

#25 - BRIAN KILCOMMONS - "Human and Canine Relationships and Training"
The author and dog trainer talks about his book and demonstrates training techniques on "Nora", a purebred Sheltie; Nora's owner, Debbie Salmon, is President of the Lochland-Shetland Sheepdog Club and the interviewer. (28:00)

#26 - STEVEN GILLON - "Walter Mondale and the Liberal Legacy"
Associate Professor of History at Yale University and author of The Democrats' Dilemma is interviewed by attorney Tom Nelson. (28:30)

#27 - PAULA NELSON - "Focus on Strengths; Manage the Weaknessess"
Co-author of Soar With Your Strengths, and author of the best seller he Joy of Money, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:40)

#28 - GRAEME BASE - "An Illustrious Illustrator"
Well-known Australian children's book author and illustrator discusses his newest work, THE SIGN OF THE SEAHORSE, along with his classics, Animalia, The Eleventh Hourand Jaberwocky, with storyteller and book seller Arlene Kase. (29:10)

#29 - ROSS THOMAS - "A Hypnotic Tale"
Author of Voodoo, Ltd. and several award-winning suspense novels, and President of the Mystery Writers of America, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:45)

#30 - EVAN IMBER-BLACK - "Our Lives and Our Relationships"
Co-author, along with Janine Roberts, of Rituals For Our Times: Celebrating, Healing and Changing Our Lives and Our Relationships; is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:15)

#31 - HERBERT KOHL - "Powerful Ideas for Powerful Thinking" EducationalconsultantandauthorofArchetypetoZeitgeistisinterviewedbyEileenCavanagh. (29:50)

#32 - KATHY RUSSELL - "The Politics of Skin Color Among African-Americans"
One of three joint authors of The Color Complex discusses this sensitive topic with Roberta Kemp of Hennepin County Library. (28:30)

#33 - DOUGLAS ADAMS - "Mostly Harmless"

Nationally-known Science Fiction author talks to Kay Drache of Hennepin County Library about his new book Mostly Harmless, part of the Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. (28:30)




#34 - BARRY LOPEZ - "Dreams and Awakenings"
The author of Arctic Dreams, of Wolves and Men, and the new book Crow and Weasel, talks about his travels and writing experiences with Kevin Crossley-Holland, Endowed Chair in the Humanities and Fine Arts at University of St. Thomas. (29:00)

#35 - DR. WILLIAM SEARS - "Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby--From Birth to Age Two" -
The Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at University of Southern California and co-author of The Baby Book, talks to Linda Hanner, author/public relations consultant, about "attachment parenting" and other early childhood issues. (28:15)

#36 - REDFORD WILLIAMS, M.D. & VIRGINIA WILLIAMS, PhD. - "Controlling the Hostility That Can Harm Your Health" The co-authors of Anger Kills discuss biological pathways from hostility to disease with Gretchen Wronka. (28:20)

#37 - CAROLYN FOSTER - "Breaking Free From Your Past and Creating A Life Of Your Own"
Lecturer and author of The Family Patterns Workbook talks with Eileen Cavanagh about how family patterns influence our current behavior. (28:20)

#38 - BARBARA DELINSKY - "Romance and Beyond in the '90s"
Novelist and author of More Than Friends discusses with Eileen Cavanagh how her romance fiction reflects contemporary issues. (28:55)

#39 - ED McBAIN - "Mary Mary, Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?"
The author discusses his 87th Precinct and Matthew Hope mystery series as well as his early writings (under the name Evan Hunter) including The Blackboard Jungle; interviewed by Hennepin County Library Director Robert Rohlf. (29:55)

#40 - HARRY CROSBY - "30 Missions Over Europe in B-17s"
Author of A Wing and a Prayer, an account o the "Bloody 100th" group's bombing missions in WWII, is interviewed by Tom O'Neill. (29:00)

#41 - DR. KEVIN LEMAN - "The ABCs of Your Child's Self-Image"
Psychologist, and author of Bringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down and The Birth Order Book, talks with Eileen Cavanagh. (28:55)

#42 - RIDLEY PEARSON - "Stranger Than Fiction"
Novelist and author of The Angel /Wakertalks with Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#43 - JAKE STEINFELD - "Motivation and Exercise to Bring Out the Winner in You"
Personal trainer to many Hollywood celebrities, star of "Body By Jake" on ESPN and "Big Brother Jake" on the Family Channel, and author of Don't Quit, is interviewed by Dave Carlson. (28:30)

#44 - RABBI HAROLD KUSHNER - "A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking"

The author of To Life and Who Needs God is interviewed by Eddy Cohen. (28:45)

#45 - DR. JANET WOLFE - "What to Do When He Has or Is a Headache"
Clinical Psychologist and Executive Director for the Institute of Rational Emotive Therapy discusses with Pat Lindquist, P.R. Consultant, the renewing of desire and intimacy in relationships. (28:45)

#46 - JOE SHAPIRO -'The New Disability Rights Movement"
The author of the book No Pity, which focuses on the impact of the recently-enacted Americans With Disabilities Act, talks with Tom O'Neill, Hennepin County Library. (29:00)

#47 - PHYLLIS BURKE - "Lesbian and Gay Families of the '90s"
The author of Family Values: Two Moms and Their Son, a personal account of lesbian co-parenting, is interviewed by Cathy Hoffman. (28:15)

#48 - ANITA SHREVE - "Long Lost Love Reclaimed!"
The author of Where or When and Eden Close is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:45)

#49 - DON MARTIN - "Using the Sports Connection to Develop, Motivate and Manage a Winning Business Team"
The author of TeamThink, strategies and techniques to achieve success in business, is interviewed by Tom O'Neill. (28:30)

#50 - JOEL FRAM - "Child Rearing Advice from the Real Experts - Parents!"
The author of / Heard it Through the Playground - 616 Best Tips from the Mommy and Daddy Network for Raising a Happy, Healthy Child from Birth to Age 5, is interviewed by Carol Reed. (28:15)

#51 - CLAUDIA BEPKO & JO-ANN KRESTAN - "The Vital Passions of Women"
Family Therapists and co-authors of Singing at the Top of Our Lungs and Women, Love and Creativity are interviewed by Cynthia Leines. (28:00)

#52 - LOIS AKNER - "Moving Forward After Your Parent's Death"

Social worker and author of How to Survive the Loss of a Parent: A Guide for Adults is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#53 - ARMOND BUDISH - "Hundreds of Money Making and Saving Tips for Those Over Fifty"
The author of Golden Opportunities -Hundreds of Money-making, Money-saving Gems for Anyone Over Fifty, is interviewed by Eileen

Cavanagh. (27:30)

#54 - SUSAN LOESSER - "A Portrait of Frank Loesser by His Daughter"
The author of A Most Remarkable Fella - Frank Loesser and the Guys and Dolls in His Life - A Portrait by his Daughter, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#55 - JEREMIAH HEALY - "A Boston Writer of Private Investigation Novels"
The mystery novelist is interviewed by mystery novel reviewer Bruce Southworth. (29:15)

#56 - NANCY PICKARD - "Author of the 'Jenny Cain' Mystery Series"
Mystery writer Nancy Pickard is interviewed by mystery novel reviewer Bruce Southworth. (29:00)

#57 • POLLY YOUNG-EISENDRATH - "Learning to Love the Opposite Sex"
Ph.D. and author of You're Not What I Expected - Learning to Love the Opposite Sex, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:50)

#58 - SHERRI de BORCHGRAVE - "Aristocracy, Depravity and Obsessive Love"
The author of Dangerous Liaisons, a biography of former husband Baron Jacques de Borchgrave, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:45)

#59 - LYNDA HAUPERT - "Eating Your Way Across America"
The Art Director/Designer for the Better Homes & Garden's The American Heritage Cookbook is interviewed by P.R. Consultant Pat Lindquist. (28:00)

#60 - DAVID WALLECHINSKY - "A Collection of 'Significa' from Around the World"
The Co-author and creator of The People's Almanac and The Book of Lists series discusses with Dave Carlson the extensive resources and interesting facts and data found in the new '90s Edition of The Book of Lists. (29:15)

#61 - PAUL PRUDHOMME - "A Different Direction in Cooking from America's Favorite Chef
The famous New Orleans Chef and author of many cooking books including Fork in the Road, is interviewed by Pat Lindquist. (28:15)

#62 - BARBARA WILSON - "Author of Off-Beat Travel Mysteries"
Mystery writer and author of Trouble in Transylvania, is interviewed by author Ellen Hart. (29:15)

#63 - REGINA BARRECA - "Demystifying Marriage, Men and Romance"
Professor of English at the University of Connecticut and author of Perfect Husbands (and Other Fairy Tales), is interviewed by instructor Carol Reed. (28:45)

#64 - JEROME DOOLITTLE & SARAH SHANKMAN - "Two Mystery Writers Tangle With American Wierd"
Jerome Doolittle is the author of Head Lock, Body Scissors, and Strange Hold; Sarah Shankman is the author of He Was Her Man, is interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce Southworth. (28:45)

$65 - RICHARD RODRIGUEZ - "North American Essayist"
Writer/journalist and author of Days of Obligation: An Argument With My Mexican Father, is interviewed by teacher/commentator Steve Benson. (28:30




#66 - JUDITH VIORST - "A Merry Tale of Sex and Violence"

Nationally-known writer of adult and children's books, and author of a new novel, Murdering Mr. Monti, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#67 - THOMAS MOORE - "Honoring the Mysteries of Love and Relationship"
Author of Soul Mates and Care of the Soul, is interviewed by Library Board member Jack Cole. (29:15)

#68 - FRANK PACETTA - "A Maverick's Guide to Motivating Yourself and Your Sales Team"
The District Manager of the Columbus, Ohio Xerox Corporation Office and author of Don't Fire Them, Fire Them Up, -is interviewed by Tom O'Neill. (28:00)

#69 - KRIS ROSENBERG - "A Therapist's Guide to Breaking Through Male Silence" Psychotherapist and author of Talk to Me, is interviewed by Gretchen Wronka. (27:30)

#70 - CHARLOTTE KASL - "101 Ways to Free Your Spirit and Dance with Life"
Psychologist, social activist, and author of Finding Joy and Many Roads, One Journey: Moving Beyond the 12 Steps, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:15)

#71 - NIKKI GIOVANNI - "Racism 101"
Poet, essayist and author of the acclaimed Racism 101 is interviewed by teacher/commentator Steve Benson. (28:15)

#72 - KENNY AUSUBEL/NINA SIMONS - "Plant a Revolution in Your Backyard"
The authors of Seeds of Change: The Passionate Story of the Growing Movement to Restore Biodiversity and Revolutionize the Way

We Think of Food, are interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:15)

#73 - JEAN-PIERRE BREHIER - "The 'Sunshine Cuisine' Chef"
Chef at The Left Bank Restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale, author of a new book on Mediterranean and Caribbean cooking, and star of a new PBS-TV series is interviewed by Pat Lindquist. (27:45)

#74 - JAMES REDFIELD - "Living the Spiritual Life"
Therapist and author of The Celestine Prophecy is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#75 - FRANCES SHERWOOD - "The Life of Mary Wollstonecraft"
The author of Vindication is interviewed by teacher/commentator Steve Benson. (28:15)

#76 - ANNE PERRY - "A Trip to Victorian Crime"
Author of The Hyde Park Headsman, the latest in the "Charlotte and Thomas Pitt" mystery series, is interviewed by mystery reviewer Bruce Southworth. (29:30)

#77 - JON KABAT-ZINN, Ph.D. - "Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life"
The author of Wherever You Go There You Are, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:15)

#78 - MARIAN SANDMAIER - "The Search for Connection Among Adult Brothers and Sisters" The author of Original Kin is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#79 - PENELOPE LIVELY - "A Childhood Perceived"
The well known British writer and author of Oleander, Jacaranda is interviewed by Kathleen Baxter, Anoka County Library. (28:15)

#80 - VICTORIA MORAN - "501 Simple Ways to Cut the Fat in Any Diet"
The author of Gef the Fat Out, a book offering healthy recipes and cooking styles, is interviewed by Eileeen Cavanagh. (28:00)

#81 - JULIE and JOHN WINGO - "Sage Advice and True Stories from America's Premier Matchmakers"
The co-authors of At Long Last Love, strategies for developing successful new relationships, are interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:15)

#82 - AMY BLOOM - "Short Stunning Passionate Stories"
The author of Come to Me is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#83 - OLGA SILVERSTEIN - "A Rethinking of Raising Sons"
Family therapist and author of The Courage to Raise Good Men is interviewed by Cultural Planner Jim Czarniecki. (29:00)

#84 - MARK MATHABANE - T he Struggle of Three Women Against Apartheid and Patriarchy"
The author of African Women: Three Generations, Kaffir Boy and Kaffir Boy in America, is interviewed by Breck School teachers Ben Oik and Frank Eustis. (29:30)

#85 - AARON ELKINS - T he Skeleton Detective Returns"
Author of Dead Men's Hearts, the latest in the "Skeleton Detective" mystery series, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#86 - DOROTHY CANNELL & JOAN HESS - "The Lives and Times of Two Comedic Mystery Writers"

First of two parts: Minnesota Mystery Writer M.D. Lake interviews these two mystery writers. (28:30)

#87 - DOROTHY CANNELL & JOAN HESS - The Art of Comedic Mystery Writing"
Second of two parts: Minnesota Mystery Writer M.D. Lake discusses writing styles with these two mystery writers. (28:45)

#88 - CHRISTINA BAKER KLINE - "A Family History Mystery" TheauthorofthenovelStveefWaterisinterviewedbyeducator/commentatorSteveBenson. (28:15)

#89 - MARLENE SOROSKY - "Easy Menus for Faster Lives"
The award-winning cookbook author who compiled Entertaining on the Run is interviewed by P.R. Consultant Pat Lindquist. (27:15)

#90 - FRED "CHICO" LAGER - "How Two Real Guys Built a Business With a Social Conscience and a Sense of Humor"
The former CEO of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, and author of Ben & Jerry's: The Inside Scoop, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#91 - DANNION BRINKLEY - "The True Story of a Man Who Died Twice"
The researcher and author of Saved By the Light discusses with Eileen Cavanagh the profound revelations he received during his near death experiences. (29:00)

#92 - AARON HASS - "How Men's Lives Are Transformed by Their Children"
The author of The Gift of Fatherhood and clinical psychologist is interviewed by David Cramer. (28:45)

#93 - DIANA LASKIN SIEGAL - "Women Aging With Knowledge and Power"
The author of The New Ourselves, Growing Older is interviewed by Jan Feye-Stukas of the Minnesota Office of Library Development & Services. (25:30)

#94 - WILLIAM KOTZWINKLE - "Dreamscapes and Mysteries"
The novelist and author of Game of30 and Trouble in Bugland is interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce Southworth. (29:00)

#95 - GLENN FOSTER - "A Breakthrough in Communications"
The Interviewing Consultant and author of How Can I Get Through to Yb^ talks with Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#96 - DAVID JACOBSEN - "Medical Corruption and Unethical Practices"
The CEO/author of Doctors Are Gods is interviewed by Dan McLaughlin of Hennepin County HealthCare System. (28:15)

#97 - GLORIA STEINEM - "A Six Part Adventure of Essays"
The Writer/Activist and author of Moving Beyond Words is interviewed by Susan Goldberg Kent of Minneapolis Public Library. (28:30)

#98 - BARBARA DELINSKY - "A Mother's Gift"
The novelist and author of For My Daughters is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#99 - JILL NELSON - "A Compelling Firsthand Report From the Corporate Combat Zone"
The journalist and author of Volunteer Slavery is interviewed by writer/producer Kate Maxwell Williams. (29:30)

#100 - NANCY PICKARD - "Confessions of a Mystery Writer"
The author of Confession, the latest in the "Jenny Cain" mystery series, is interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce Southworth. (29:30) 

#101 - HENRY JOSEPH - "The New Rugged Cross"
The author of the mystery novel Bloodwork, is interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce Southworth. (29:15)

#102 - LOU SHAW - "A Mystery Thriller Involving a Father/Son Estrangement"
The writer/producer/author of the suspense novel Honor Thy Son and creator of the TV series Quincy, is interviewed by educator/ commentator Steve Benson. (28:30)

#103 - CAROLYN HART - "Move Over, Miss Marple"
The author of Scandal in Fair Haven, a "Henrie O. Mystery", is interviewed by mystery reviewer/consultant Mary Cannon Trone. (29:00)

#104 - J. A. JANCE - "A J.P. Beaumont Mystery"
The author of Lying in Wait and Failure to Appear, as well as several books in the "Joanna Brady" mystery series, is interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:00)

#105 - ANNE McCAFFREY/ELIZABETH ANN SCARBOROUGH - "The Power of Science Fiction and Fantasy"
The science fiction author and fantasy writer, respectively, have teamed up to write two books, Power Lines and Powers That Be, is

interviewed by Kay Drache. (28:30)

#106 - ANDREW VACHSS - "Emotional Abuse"
The author of Down in the Zero, a graphic tale of the traumas of abuse, is interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:30)

#107 - LAURENCE LEAMER - "The Saga of an American Family"
Author of The Kennedy Women, interesting portrayals of the important roles played by women in the Kennedy family, is interviewed by writer Rosalie Maggio. (28:30)

#108 - BARRY LOPEZ - "Stories in Varied Landscapes"
Author of Field Notes, relationships between people and the places in which they live, is interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:15)

#109 • LEONARD MALTIN - "In the Dark With Your Favorite Film Critic"
Film critic/historian and the compiler of the annual Leonard Maltin's Video and Movie Guide, a rating and description of thousands of films, is interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:30)

#110 - LINDA JOHNSEN - "The Goddess Within"
Journalist and author of Daughters of the Goddess: The Women Saints of India, is interviewed by consultant/counselor Justin O'Brien. (28:30)

#111 - DR. EFFIE CHOW - "How Qigong Can Change Your Life"
Author of Miracle Healings From China: Qigong and qigong master is interviewed by Michael Studer, Acupuncturist. (28:30)

#112 - JAYNE ANNE PHILLIPS - "A Fictional Portrayal of an American Loss of Innocence"
Author of six books including Shelter, a book on child abuse, is interviewed by Bruce Southworth.(28:30)

#113 - DAVID MORRELL - "Dark, Dangerous, Compelling Suspense Fiction"
The author of Desperate Measures; Fireflies; and First Bloodt, and creator of "Rambo", is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#114 - PENNY WISE BUDOFF, M.D. - "A Medical Reference Especially For Women"
Women's health physician and author of The P.D.R. Family Guide to Women's Health and Prescription Drugs, is interviewed by Bruce Southworth. (29:30)

#115 - DR. DAVID POSEN - "The Positive Side of Personal Change"
Physician/stress consultant and author of Always Change a Losing Game: Playing at Life to be the Best You Can, is interviewed by book reviewer/musician Cathie Fischer. (28:15)

#116 - DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN • "Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II"

This author is interviewed by Scott Benton of the Library Foundation. (28:15)

#117 - LES STANDIFORD - "What a Deal!"
Mystery writer/author of Raw Deal; Done Deal; and Spill, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:00)

#118 - MICHAEL ROMANO - "Taste Great New York Food in Your Kitchen"
Chef and author of Union Square Cafe Cookbook, is interviewed by Pat Lindquist. (27:30)

#119 - SUE HARRISON - "An Adventure in Prehistoric Alaska"
The author of Brother Wind; Mother Earth, Father Sky; and My Sister, the Moon, is interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:30)

#120 - BETTY FRIEDAN - "The Aging Mystique"
Author of The Fountain of Age and Feminine Mystique, is interviewed by Susan Goldberg Kent. (28:45)

#121 - BROCK THOENE - "The Opening Guns of World War II"
Co-author (with Bodie Thoene) of The Twilight of Courage, pan of "The Zion Covenant Series", is interviewed by Scott Benton. (29:00)

#122 - JANE BRODY - "A Guide to Healthy Seafood Eating"
Columnist and nutrition author of The Good Seafood Book, is interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:15)

#123 - BRUCE BAWER - "The Gay Individual in American Society"
The author of A Place at the Table, is interviewed by William Randall Beard. (28:30)

#124- ANNE DEVANE - "Discovering the Secret of Women's Rage"
Author of Female Rage: Unlocking Its Secrets, Claiming Its Power, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#125 • JAMES WELCH - "Little Bighorn and the Fate of the Plains Indians"

Writer/novelist and author of Killing Custer, is interviewed by Scott Benton. (29:00)

#126 - BARBARA CAWTHORNE CRAFTON - "Living Each Day With Honesty and Courage"

Episcopal Priest/author of Finding Time For Serenity, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:45)




#127 - JAMES McTEVIA - "How Individuals, Companies & Our Government Can Avoid Debt"

Turnaround consultant and author of Financial Reality, is interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#128 - MARC IAN BARASCH - "A Soul Approach to Illness"
Author of The Healing Path, traditional and alternative methods of healing, and a new book Remarkable Recovery, people

who have overcome serious illnesses; interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#129 - SHIRLEE TAYLOR HAIZLIP - "A Family Memoir in Black and White"

Sociologist and author of The Sweeter The Juice; interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:30)

#130 - JUDITH BENN HURLEY - "Recipes and Remedies from Nature"
Journalist and author of The Good Herb, practical and beneficial uses of popular and exotic herbs; interviewed by massage therapist Margaret Johnson. (27:45)

#131 - HOLLY UYEMOTO - "The Experiences of Japanese-Americans in World War II Internment Camps"

Japanese-American author of Go; interviewed by Steve Benson. (28.00)

#132 - HARLEY GORDON - "Older Years and Financial Survival"
Elder Law Attorney and author of HowTo Protect Your Life Savings From Catastrophic Illness and Remarriage Without Financial Risk; interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#133 - OCTAVIA BUTLER - "A Cautionary TaleAuthor of Parable of the Sower and other science fiction novels; interviewed by Kay Drache, Hennepin County Library. (29:30)

#134 - ANNE ROSENBERG, M.D.- "Breast Cancer Specialists Help You Take Charge and Make Informed Choices"

Physician and co-author of What To Do If You Get Breast Cancer, interviewed by Margaret Gillespie, Hennepin County Library. (29:00)

#135 - AMY DACYCZYN - "Promoting Thrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle"
Author of The Tightwad Gazette, two books and a newsletter dealing with practical money-saving ideas; interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (29:00)

#136 - W.P. KINSELLA - "Stories of the American Pasttime"
Author of The Dixon Cornbelt League and other stories and books about baseball; including Shoeless Joe, the basis for the film FIELD OF DREAMS; interviewed by baseball author/historian Stew Thornley. (28:30)

#137 - JAN WALDRON - "A Memoir of Mothers, Daughters, Adoption and Reunion"
Author of Giving Away Simone, an account of reconnection with her birth daughter; interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#138 - ANN CHARTERS - "Jack Kerouac Revisited"
Biographer/Professor of American Literature and author of The Portable Jack Kerouac and Jack Kerouac Selected Letters 1940-1956, collections of the famous beat writer's stories and personal correspondence; interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:30)

#139 - ELINOR LIPMAN- "Love on Wry"
Novelist and author of Isabel's Bed and The Way Men Act, interviewed by Sharyll Smith, Hennepin County Library. (28:30) 

#140 - LAURENCE SHAMES - "A Cheap Visit to Key West"
Mystery writer and author of Sunburn and The Big Time; interviewed by Bruce Southworth. (28:30)

#141 - JOHN DOMINIC CROSSAN - "Exposing the Roots of Anti-Semitism in the Gospel Story of the Death of Jesus" Professor and author of Who Killed Jesus? and other books dealing with the historical Jesus; interviewed by Tom O'Neill, Hennepin County Library. (28:30)

#142 - DR. JAMES JONES - "The Courage to Search for Something More"
Religion professor, psychotherapist and author of In the Middle of this Road We Call Our Life, a quest to find one's spirituality ; interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. • (29:00)

#143 - JAMES HALL - "The Mysterious World of Animal Smuggling"
Author of Mean High Tide and the new book Gone Wild, interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce Southworth. (29:00)

#144 - BRADFORD MORROW - "An American Friendship in War and Peace"

Novelist and author of Trinity Fields; interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:00)

#145 - THE GUERRILLA GIRLS - "The Guerrilla Girls Come to Town"
Two satirical cultural observers, "Kathe Kollwitz" and "Viollette LeDuc", discuss the irreverent book Confessions of the Guerrilla

Girls; interviewed by cartoonist Jackie Urbanovic. (27:00)

#146 - ED McBAIN - "Romance is Romance"
Evan Hunter writing as "Ed McBain" discusses Romance, his 40th book in the "87th Precinct" mystery series; interviewed by Bruce Southworth. (28:30)

#147 -ALLEN SCHOEN, D.V.M. - "Love and Veterinary Miracles"
Veterinarian and author of Love, Miracles and Animal Healing; also starring "George" the dog, and interviewed by pet owner

Mary Lamp. (29:30)

#148 - JAMES VAN SWEDEN - "How to Build and Plant Fountains, Lily Pools and Water Edges"

Landscape architect and author of Gardening with Water, interviewed by gardener Ginny Llop. (27:30)

#149 - NEIL MILLER - "Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present"
Journalist and author of Out of the Past, a comprehensive overview of gay/lesbian history and perspectives; interviewed by

David Lindeman, Hennepin County Library. (28:30

#150 - JAMIE HARRISON - "Small Town Murder in Big Sky Country"
Mystery author discusses her first novel, The Edge of the Crazies; interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce

Southworth. (28:30

#151 - SUZE ORMAN - "Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make When You Retire"
Author of You've Earned It, Don't Lose It, offering a wide range of important retirement options; interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:15)

#152 - OLYA ROOHIZADEGAN - "A Survivor's Account of Persecution in Iran"
Author of Olya's Story, interviewed by Dan Darling, Baha'i Spiritual Assembly of Minnetonka. (25:00)

#153 - HELENA MARIA VIRAMONTES - "A Saga of Migrant Life and Love"
Author of Under the Feet ofJesus, a novel about the hardships of Latino migrant life in California; interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:00)

#154 - KATE BORNSTEIN - "On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us"
Performance artist and author of Gender Outlaw, a look at the transsexual and sex-change culture; interviewed by freelance journalist Wizard Marks. (28:00)

#155 - CLIFTON TAULBERT - "An African-American Coming of Age in the South"
Author of The Last Train North, a cultural diary of a seventeen year old African-American growing up in the era of segregation; interviewed by Steve Benson. (28:00)

#156 - GRAHAM HANCOCK - 'The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization"
Investigative researcher and author of Fingerprints of the Gods, a compelling search for historic cultures; interviewed by Tom O'Neill, Hennepin County Library. (28:30)

#157 - DAN WAKEFIELD- "The Miraculous Things That Happen to Ordinary People AuthorofExpectaMiracleandReturning:ASpiritualJourney,interviewedbyEileenCavanagh. (29:15

#158 - ROBERT CRAIS - "Elvis Cole: A Detective for the '90s"
Author of Voodoo River, an adoptee's search for birth parents, and other books in the "Elvis Cole" series; interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce Southworth. (28:30)

#159 - RUSSELL BANKS - "What Have We Done to Our Children?"
Author of The Rule of the Bone, a discussion about disenfranchised youth in our society; interviewed by Eileen Cavanagh. (28:30)

#160 - STEPHEN DIXON - "A Fictional Meditation on Contemporary Violence"
Fiction writer, professor and author of Interstate and Frog; interviewed by David Lane, Hennepin County Library. (29:00)


A DISCUSSION WITH... National Authors on Tour was coordinated by Eileen Cavanagh and recorded/edited at the Ridgedale TV Studio by Dave Carlson and the A/V staff at Hennepin County Library.



Speaking of Mysteries

Confessions of a Crime Writer

Another television "mini-series" was produced in 2001-2002 in conjunction with the Once Upon a Crime Bookstore in Minneapolis, Minnesota. National mystery writers who spoke or presented at the bookstore were interviewed by mystery book reviewer Bruce Southworth, the episodes were recorded and edited by Dave Carlson at St. Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN).


Recently, these interview programs have been digitized and are available for online viewing on the SPEAKING OF MYSTERIES YouTube Channel:




   • Online video:


   • Online video posted in the near future


   • Online video:


   •. Online video:

   • Online video:

   • Online video:

   • Online video:

   • Online video:


Check out:

604 West 26th Street - Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405


O'Shaughnessy Poetry Award Series

University of St. Thomas Center for Irish Studies

The annual poetry award to an outstanding Irish poet


Since 1988, many of the poets have been interviewed by Patrick O'Donnell, Professor of English at Normandale College in Bloomington, Minnesota.

Video recordings of these interviews have been televised on Metro Cable Network, Cable Channel 6 throughout the Twin Cities area, and on St. Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) and other local cable channels.  These programs have been produced and edited by Dave Carlson and SPNN, and videotapes of some of the episodes have been digitized for online viewing with others to be digitized in the near future.  Recorded interviews include:


1998.  John F. Deane

  • Online video:

1999.  Peter Sirr

  • Online video:

2000.  Louis de Paor

  • Online video:

2001.  Moya Cannon

  • Online video:

2002.  Frank Ormsby

2003.  Thomas McCarthy

2004.  Michael Coady

2005.  Kerry Hardie

2007.  Sean Lysaght

2012.  Gerald Smyth

2015.  Paula Meehan

2017.  Katie Donovan

2018.  Tony Curtis

  • Online VIdeo:

2019.  Patrick Deeley

  • Online Video:


For more information about the O'Shaughnessy Poetry Award:




All About Kids!

A Television Program Series o Children & Family Issues for Parents & Adults Who Work With Children

Featuring Children's Literature... Pertinent Issues... and Learning & Reading Programs at Schools & Libraries


The All About Kids! program series was produced by Hennepin County Library from 1988 - 1995 (Episodes #1-220)

These episodes are now all available for online viewing through the Hennepin County Library Digital Collections website:



The series was then produced by Metronet and Minnesota Center for the Book from 1996 - 1999 (Episodes #221-283)

Several of these programs have been digitized for online viewing on the All About Kids! YouTube Channel:



The entire series was broadcast in primetime on Metro Cable Network/Cable Chanel 6 throughout the Twin Cities metro area.


The All About Kids! series featured a number of Minnesota children's authors, plus some nationally-known children's authors, including Eric Carle, Debra Frasier, Patricia Reilly Giff, Eric Hill, Madeline L'Engle, Marilyn Sachs, Allen Say, Peter Sis, Theodore Taylor, and Jane Yolen.


For more program information and a list of episodes:



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